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NID (National Institute of Design) is a government institute and industry, also recognized as one of the best design institutes and has been ranked amongst top 25 colleges of the world.

The course curriculum focuses on practical learning and knowledge with great infrastructure. 


NID offers undergraduate, post graduate, graduate diploma program in designing and also PHD in design.


Main Campus: Ahmedabad

PG Campus; Gandhinagar

Research and Development Centre: Bangalore

Graduate Diploma Program in Design Centre: Kurukshetra, Bhopal, Vijayawada, Jorhat.

The college has a vast faculty of art and design including:

Animation Design

Glass and Ceramic Design

Furniture and Interior 

Product Design

Film and Video

Graphic Design 

Textile Design

Exhibition Design

All of the above courses are for 4 years duration (Bachelors)


It is a national level entrance exam conducted by the National Institute of Design (NID) for admitting candidates to the Bachelor of Design (B. Des) and Master of Design (M. Des) courses offered.


The candidates who have appeared for 10+2 examinations from (AISSCE/ICSE/CBSE) 

Those who are appearing for the higher secondary examinations in the academic year 2023 can also apply.

The NID Design Aptitude Test (NID-DAT) is a two-stage national-level entrance examination for the NIDs, organised every year by the NID Admissions Cell for admissions to undergraduate and post-graduate courses in the universities. The first stage of the examination is NID-DAT Prelims, which is a pen-and-paper design and general aptitude test, and the second stage is NID-DAT Mains, which is usually an in-studio design test and may also include a personal interview and portfolio review. The tests aim to evaluate the candidate’s visualisation skills, creative & observation skills, knowledge, comprehension, analytical ability, et cetera

The institute has been recognised as an ‘Institution of National Importance’ by the Act of Parliament, by virtue of the National Institute of Design Act 2014. It is also recognised by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation.